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Thread: Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence

    I would like to make a complain against QIII for his harassment, in directly attacking a reply.
    A member asked for opinions , ideas.
    I answered secondly after another member.

    QII answered by giving his aggressive and harassing opinion on my reply first, I did not ask for QIII or anyone's opinion, I wrote an answer as requested by the OP and was OnTopic to the original poster.
    After I seen the harassment I edited my post to pacify QIII aggressive nature and try to resolve things quickly.

    QIII restored my post then added additional nastiness to his attack towards me, all of which is fully Off Topic to the Subject of the post, being a personal attack.

    I reported this, and accepted the staff members, explanation of maybe he was busy.
    QIII then edited the post further to increase the level of harassment.

    As nothing has been done, and this had occurred after I agreed to accept QIII bullying me, for whatever unexplained justification they feel they have.

    I was told in this report "for your own good" never to report a staff post again, I am unsure why Ubuntu staff feel they are able to threaten violence to the users when one of their colleague are reported for trolling aggressively.
    This is criminal behavior to make threats of violence.
    I was told after this threat to "post in this section and when one of the admins has time they will look at it"

    Based on the experience as above I do not hold much hope for a legitimate solution to occur without any further bullying added to this but since I was threatened in to writing this I have.

    I would like this solved, no other user should have to go through this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence

    I need to add it was wildmanne39 who made the threat of violence to me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish

    Re: Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence

    I can assure you that none of the staff have been aggressive to you, harassed you, or threatened you with violence. I am really concerned that you feel that you have been threatened with violence. No one should feel that way, but there has been no staff action that would justify such a startling conclusion.

    Before I continue, please be aware that we have a restricted staff area in the forum, visible only to forum staff, where we can see reports made with the report post button, and discuss these reports and other related issues. In addition, it is standard practice when staff are involved in moderator action to copy relevant material, including pm exchanges, to the staff area, so that all staff action can be monitored by all other members of staff. I have seen the pm exchanges that you have been involved in, and also the two reports you made.

    This all seems to start with a post you made to a thread where the OP was seeking advice on possible replacement of old hardware that they were concerned might be becoming unreliable. QIII’s post which, in part, was responding to yours, was simply part of the debate. He was not “abusing his staff powers to prevent me posting”. Forum staff, who are unpaid volunteers just like everyone else here, have as much right to engage in debate in the chat sections as anyone else. That they do so does not mean that they are exercising moderator authority. And that is why you have no right to expect that others do not respond to anything you say by saying, as you do, “I did not ask for QIII or anyone's opinion”. If you post in a discussion thread, expect other people’s opinion and responses to whatever you might choose to say. If you don’t like that, don’t engage in discussion. That’s as much true in real life as here on the forum

    I have to say that I find your post – a strange flight of fancy about prolonged visits to internet cafes, journeys in the small hours, and the carriage of hygiene products and food – unhelpful to the OP. This is simply my opinion; I am not being aggressive; I am not abusing you; I am not angry. If you choose to post in that way, you must expect someone to respond, and you may not like what you hear.

    You have had two posts originally in Cafe threads removed from public view and you have already had pm’s telling you why. This removal was done entirely in accordance with the forum rules.

    You have made two reports both of which unfairly accuse staff of acting inappropriately.

    Any edits to any of your posts were made in accordance with forum rules.

    The “for your own good” comment was made after all this and after wildemanne39 had to ask you twice in pm’s to start a thread here in the Resolution Centre. What that meant was that your behaviour was bordering on the harassment of staff, and that failure to desist might lead to loss of posting privileges. I have to say that having reviewed all the material, I find that it is your own actions, rather than staff, that are aggressive. Please try to calm down.

    I sincerely hope that all this is a big misunderstanding. If you try not to see threats and anger where none exist, you may find your time on the forum to be more enjoyable.
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    If you need help with your forum account, such as SSO login issues, username changes, etc, the correct place to contact an admin is here. Please do not PM me about these matters unless you have been asked to - unsolicited PMs concerning forum accounts will be ignored.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Staff agression, harrassment, and threats of violence

    I agree to never report any staff behavior again. On these forums.


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