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Thread: [SOLVED] Nano, this is minor, but...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    North Texas
    Hardy Heron (Ubuntu Development)

    [SOLVED] Nano, this is minor, but...

    Hi, no real problems. I like it I have one annoying problem with nano that I can't figure out. The text that I need to edit or have edited is in this super light green that is almost impossible to read. I have to use gedit to see anything and I like nano better. One more thing, the fonts I download don't seem to be showing up. I seem to have the yucky ones still.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Nano, this is minor, but...

    For fonts: make sure that the font paths defined in xorg.conf are correct; also, run mkfontdir (and mkfontscale -- though I'm not sure this one is really necessary) in all the font directories (navigate to the directory and then run it as root).

    The nano problem is probably a problem with how your terminal colors are defined. I don't know which terminal app you're using -- for urxvt/xterm the colors are defined in .Xdefaults file, if you're using gnome-terminal or xfce terminal the colors are set using their own internal configuration/preferences.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    North Texas
    Hardy Heron (Ubuntu Development)

    Re: Nano, this is minor, but...

    Hi, I fixed both problems by increasing the resolution to the fonts. We up to 130, kinda high, but I'm about blind and my screen is big, so it's Otay
    Funny thing is and I don't know if it's all that kosher, but I used the nvidia-config app to generate an xorg-config file. It made a generic one and it called it /etc/X11/XF86.config . I guess that's Ok, it works fine. KISS, I guess. Have a good one


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