Hi! This is a program made by me in Python that makes installing .bin and .rpm files easier. You can download the program here. For this program to work, you need to have alien and Python 3 installed on your computer. If you do not have them, open a terminal and write:

sudo apt-get install alien
sudo apt-get install python3.1
Then all you need to do is donwload a .rpm or a .bin file and run this little program. You run it by typing:

python3 /home/your_username/place_where_the_file_is_located/BIN_RPM_Installer.py
Note: If you saved the file in the home folder and not in the Downloads or another folder, just type:

python3 BIN_RPM_Installer.py
Hope this will make installations easier! Good luck!

P.S: I know this is a very simple program. I am just an absolute beginner in programming but I thought that if I make programs anyways, why should I not upload them so the community can use them too? In fact, isn;t this the open-source spirit? Hopefully this program can at least help beginners like me